Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Brig Gen (Retd) Md Mustafa Kamal

Former Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Academic Qualification

PhD (pursuing) BUP
MBA in HRM (Dhaka University)
MSc in Mechanical Engineering (BUET)
BSc in Mechanical Engineering (RUET)

Academic Experience

-Vice Chancellor at Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology, Qadirabad, Natore

-Research on thermo-visual investigation of a two-phase closed loop thermosyphon

-Research on Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of a Domestic Burner using porous medium combustion

-Experimental investigation of miniature heat pipe performance for laptop processor cooling

-Performance study of pulsating heat pipe and CFD analysis of volume fraction

-Workshop on Machine Noise and Vibration Control

Teaching Experience

- Professor in Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology, Qadirabad, Natore from 2019 to 2023

- Professor in Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) from 2017 to 2018

- Associate Professor in Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) from 2010 to 2012

- Assistant Professor in Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) from 2006to 2012

- Principal of Trust Technical Training Institute, Jashore from 2013 to 2015


Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Fellow (F/13574)

Course Conducted

-Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

-Conduction & Radiation Heat Transfer

-Convection, Boiling, Condensation and Mass Transfer

-Heat & Mass Transfer

-Industrial Management

-Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

-Heat Transfer Equipment Design

Research Interest

- Design of Heat Transfer Equipment
- Pulsating heat pipe

- Industrial Management


1) Thermo-visual investigation of a two-phase closed loop thermosyphon, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), Vol.6 (2011), No.1, 109-119

2) Effect of Saw Type Corrugated Pipe on Laminar Convective Heat Transfer by Using SiC-Water Nanofluid: A Numerical Study, Journal of Engineering Research(JER), Vol. 11 No.(1B) pp. 320-330

3) Productivity, Revenue Status and Future Prospects of Wild Date Palm Trees Cultivation in Bangladesh, International Journal of Finance and Banking Research, vol.8, No 2, 2022, pp. 78-83